Winter Health Event by Warrington Housing Association’s Lifetime Warrington

With winter on the horizon, it is vital to take proactive steps to safeguard our health. Warrington Housing Association’s “Lifetime Warrington,” with the support of Livewire’s Lifestyles team and Vegetarian for Life Manchester, is at the forefront of this effort, organising a Winter Health Event. The event’s objective is to offer valuable support and resources that will help Warrington Housing Association Tenant & LifeTime members remain healthy and secure during the colder months.


Event Details:

– Date: Tuesday 7th November at Lyon Court, Latchford, Warrington

– Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

– Date: Tuesday 21st November at St John Court, Bruche, Warrington

– Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM


This event promises a wide range of activities and services designed to ensure the well-being of participants throughout the winter season. Here is what you can look forward to:

  1. Advice and Support for Staying Warm:

Winter can be harsh, and it’s crucial to stay warm to avoid cold-related health issues. The event will offer advice and practical tips on staying warm and comfortable during the winter months.


  1. Health Checks:

Participants will have the opportunity to receive health checks, including monitoring of blood pressure. These checks are crucial for the early detection and management of health conditions.


  1. Weight Management:

Discover effective weight management techniques to ensure a healthy body and mind.


  1. Falls Prevention:

Falls can be a significant concern during winter due to slippery surfaces. Attendees will receive valuable information and strategies for preventing falls.


  1. Winter Exercises at Home:

Find out about simple and effective exercises that can be done at home to stay active and maintain physical fitness throughout the season.


  1. Fuel Your Body:

Proper nutrition is key to staying healthy in winter. Get advice on maintaining a balanced diet to boost your immune system.


  1. Take-Home Winter Warm Packs:

Participants will receive winter warm packs to help them stay cosy and comfortable during the cold season.


  1. Free Hot Lunch:

A warm and nutritious lunch will be provided to all attendees, ensuring that everyone has the energy to fully participate in the event.


  1. Cooking Demonstration:

Learn to prepare nutritious and tasty winter meals with a cooking demonstration. Discover new recipes that will keep you nourished and satisfied.


  1. Exercise Session:

Engage in a fun and interactive exercise session, which is not only great for your health but also an excellent way to socialise and connect with others.


To ensure your participation in this informative and engaging event, make sure to book your place in advance by contacting  a member of the Lifetime team on 91925 246824 or email –

It’s an excellent opportunity to kick-start your winter health preparations and gain valuable insights into staying healthy throughout the season.


Warrington Housing Association’s “Lifetime Warrington,” in collaboration with Livewire’s Lifestyles team and Vegetarian for Life Manchester, is committed to the well-being of the community. By attending this Winter Health Event, you’ll not only take care of your health but also connect with a supportive and caring community that’s dedicated to keeping everyone in the best of health during the winter months.

Given the announcements about additional measure effective in Warrington from tomorrow. We have made the decision to close LifeTime centre and community activities with immediate effect until further notice. The virtual programme will continue and we will be looking to expand the offer, see our Virtual Timetable for our current activities.
We are aware that it is a blow and seeing you face to face has been lovely for the teams both here in the centre and at our community venues but for now we must all play our part.

We will continue to update our social media platforms  so keep a look out  for new activities and events. Any questions or if you would like any support getting on Zoom and connecting with us during this difficult time  please do not  hesitate to contact the team on 01925 246824  or email us;

Take care & stay safe

The LifeTime Team

Here in LifeTime we are excited to be launching on first virtual Timetable which offers a  variety of online sessions from Dance and Exercise to Quizzies and Coffee mornings, all sessions are delivered via the Zoom Application and aimed at keeping you connected and active during this  difficult period. LifeTime is also continuing to offer information, advice and telephone contact support if required.We will be regularly updating social media so if you or your family are on Facebook please like our page  to find activities and regular updates.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us on 01925 246824 or email

View the full calendar of our events.

Click to download a copy of our latest Virtual timetable  2020-06-05 Updated Virtual Timetable


Warrington Housing Association residents know where to go to make friends when the chips are down.
Warrington Housing Association neighbours from Lyon Court, St John’s Court and Lowry Close tucked into the nation’s favourite meal, fresh from the paper ahead of National Fish and Chip Day on Friday, June 7.
The team from LifeTime and our community development team brought them together to celebrate the Big Lunch.
The countrywide event combats the threat of loneliness by annually bringing together over six million people to get to know their neighbours while having a bite to eat.
According to the Eden Project which set up the event, one in five people in the UK have never spoken to their neighbours and this widening gap is damaging our mental and physical health.
Andrea Rees, from LifeTime, said: “We like our Warrington Housing Association schemes to be a community and not just a place to live and we are aware that sometimes people might not speak to their neighbour for a week or two so The Big Lunch provided us with opportunity to bring everyone together.
“Food is always a great way to bring people together. It has given everyone something in common. There was lots of chatter and laughter on the day, a real buzz around the schemes.”

Beth Blenkinship, our community development officer for Warrington Housing Association, added: “It’s been great to work with the LifeTime team and our scheme managers to create the ‘big lunches’ for our retirement scheme residents. Any excuse for fish and chips is always welcomed by our residents and having the opportunity to encourage them to come together and share a meal, as well as stories and laughter really embraces the ethos of the big lunch.”


Meet the couple that is getting Warrington on its feet and on the dancefloor.
Jan Henshaw and Allan Gregory met 14 years ago through their mutual love of dancing.
Allan, a delivery driver, had moved back to the area after serving in the Navy and started dancing as a way of meeting new people. He said: “It was a good way to impress the ladies!”
Both are now full-time dance tutors, tripping the light fantastic for over two hours every day teaching amongst others the tango, foxtrot, cha cha, waltz and line dancing.
Allan said: “You can teach anyone to dance but the key to being a good dancer is to enjoy it. Our classes are aimed at teaching members a new skill but it is most important that people have fun.”
Modern jive is Allan’s favourite dance while Jan prefers the sexiness of the rumba.
Former craft shop owner Jan and Allan also organise popular dance holidays to Llandudno twice a year. The most recent one, last month, had 57 people enjoying a range of themed dances, including black tie and old school. The November break is getting booked up already.
Dance is one of the most enjoyable ways to get moving.
The NHS website says: “Regular dancing is great for losing weight, maintaining strong bones, improving posture and muscle strength, increasing balance and co-ordination, and beating stress. One of the best things about dancing is that while you’re having fun moving to music and meeting new people, you’re getting all the health benefits of a good workout.”
Why not celebrate International Day of Dance on Monday, April 29 by booking a class at Jan and Allan’s Come and Dance With Us at variety of LifeTime locations throughout the week. All abilities welcome.


Why not join us to Celebrate Chinese New Year on Tuesday 5th February 2019 arrival from 12.15pm at LifeTime, £5 per person includes a Chinese Meal and Quiz. This year marks the Year of the Pig, which is the 12th of all zodiac animals. According to a myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by when each animal arrived to his party. The Pig was late because he overslept, putting him at No. 12. Personality traits of the pig include a gentle and accommodating personality. They have a calm appearance, a strong heart and are natural nurturers. However, their weaknesses include being somewhat naïve and too sensitive
To book your place pop into The LifeTime Office or contact a member of the LifeTime Team on 01925 246824.

Chinese year new (1)

LifeTime have been awarded a very generous donation thanks to Sainsbury’s and Lymm Rotary Club. Every December the Santa float goes into the community and greets shoppers at Sainsbury’s. Lymm Rotary Club have been generous in their support of local charities for many years and LifeTime is very grateful to benefit from their generosity with this cheque for £750.

Thank you Sainsbury’s and Lymm Rotary Club. This will support our work with older people giving opportunities to connect and battling isolation.

(pictured Susan Tupman President of Lymm Rotary Club presenting the cheque to Val Walsh and Margaret Whitley from LifeTime, along with Steve from Sainsbury’s Church Street and representatives from Lymm Rotary Club.)

Our latest success at LifeTime is the new Community Choir led by Marc Jenyon. The group gathered for their first session together on 1st March and it was a real feel good experience as they raised their voices together to create a great sound. Marc is a professional musician and choir master, leading the group through a choice of well known music which everyone enjoyed. It’s clear this is going to be a very popular session.

Come along and join in, whatever your level of experience or ability.

Sessions are every Wednesday from 12- 1.30pm


One lucky member was the winner of our Annual Survey prize draw and walked away with £50 of shopping vouchers.  Thanks to all who took part and returned their survey, it does help us to provide a better service for older people in Warrington.  We may be carrying out further surveys throughout the year, please complete and return yours – next time the winner could be you.img_0784

Following the successful launch of our monthly  ‘Hear to Meet’ group held  in LifeTime on a Tuesday morning we are pleased to announce that the group will also meet monthly on a Thursday afternoon.  This sociable group gives members with hearing loss the opportunity to support each other by meeting up over a cuppa, practice lipreading, exchange experiences and share information.  A date for your diary: Tuesday, 9th August Warrington Signing Choir will be joining us, all welcome.   For further details and meeting dates for 2016 please get in touch.

We are having a ‘fun’ coffee morning event from 10.30 am on Tuesday, 17th May to raise awareness during Dementia Awareness Week (15th-21st May 2016).  Join us and sing along to live music from members of our LifeTime music group, try your hand at our Memorabilia Quiz, Bottle and Chocolate Raffle or LifeTime Lucky Dip.   For a mid morning treat, choose from a selection of delicious pastries and hot drinks in our café area.  A dementia advisor from Alzheimer’s Society and a support worker from Warrington Carers Trust will be on hand to give information, advice and support to anybody affected by dementia.  The event ends with a showing of a recently released film starring Oscar winning actress Julianne Moore in a moving performance of a woman discovering she has early onset dementia.  For more details drop in or give us a call.   All proceeds to Alzheimer’s Society and Warrington Carers Trust.  Hope you can join us.

Trips are a great way for members to get to places they normally wouldn’t be able to go and going with a friendly group is a real bonus.   A sociably group of LifeTime friends travelled to the popular Ryecroft Hall in March and enjoyed a great day of food, music and entertainment with a St Patricks Day theme.  Those with mobility problems are well catered for, making it safe and easy for them to enjoy the day.  Members really enjoyed the food and entertainment and said that they would love to go again.

“Good food, good company and a wonderful day out”

LifeTime has a busy programme of trips planned throughout the year. It’s always a good idea to book early – they are very popular.   If there is something that is not on our itinerary why don’t you suggest it and we may be able to organise it.  For more information call us on 01925 246824

special              Ryecroft

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Come along to Lyon Court, Latchford on Thursday 10th March 2016 and exercise those lungs and vocal chords.  Join us for a fun afternoon of singing those old (and not so old) favourites with David on the piano in a warm and relaxed environment.  Make new friends and socialise during the tea break.  Starts 2pm.